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About the Author
Karl Matthews

This is where I should trot out my academic qualifications, show you pictures of all the awards my dogs have won and letters from relieved owners whose dogs I've stopped from relieving themselves on the Persian carpet or the Persian cat! But, I left school when I was only a few years older than most dogs are after their obedience training. My dogs have all been low-cost mixed breeds and the only awards they got were our enthusiastic applause and the odd bit of chocolate, before I found out how bad an idea that was.

But there has always been a contented, well-fed dog curled up near my feet while I've been earning my living in my home office over three decades or so. This book is based on what worked with my dogs, many conversations with vets, until I learned they usually charge for the length of consultations, good ideas from friends and neighbors, and what I had actually seen them do - both good and bad.

I believe that you will learn things in my book that your dog wants you to know.


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