Setting up your ThankYou Page

Your Thankyou page is the page that ClickBank sends the customer to after they pay. The customer will only reach this page if their credit card is valid. On this page you need to:

  1. Thank the customer for making a purchase.
  2. Display your email address so that you can assist the customer if they have any questions about what they bought. 
  3. Remind the customer that their credit card bill will show a charge by:
  4. Collect additional information from the customer, if you need it to complete the sale.
  5. Make an "exit link". Once the customer sees your thank-you page make sure they have at least one link to follow.

You don't want people to easily type in '' and download your products for free -- So best to bury it under a different file name, even under a subdirectory for your 'thankyou' page!

If you are selling eBooks, you need to set up a Download Link (something like Download Now) on your 'thankyou' page. This is where your customers should click on to download your product. You need to use a HyperLink to the URL where you store your product.

The HyperLink should look something like

This needs to be pointed to where your product is on your web server including the name of the file.

Below is an example of a 'thankyou' page I used for my FreeToSell package.


 Thank you! Your payment has been accepted.

This transaction has been processed by ClickBank
"CLICKBANK / KEYNETICS" will appear on your billing statement.

Welcome and and congratulations!

Click here to download your FreeToSell package


The URL I used for my customers to download my products is is my Domain name.

dlbin is the sub-directory I store my digital products.

freetosell302.exe is the File Name of the eBook.

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